Veined تایل تراورتن قرمز موجدار تایل تراورتن قرمز موجدار تایل تراورتن قرمز موجدار تایل تراورتن قرمز موجدار

Veined Red Travertine

Veined Red Travertine

Veined Red Travertine

تایل تراورتن قرمز موجدار تایل تراورتن قرمز موجدار تایل تراورتن قرمز موجدار تایل تراورتن قرمز موجدار
Corss تایل تراورتن قرمز بی موج تایل تراورتن قرمز بی موج تایل تراورتن قرمز بی موج تایل تراورتن قرمز بی موج

Cross Red Travertine

Cross Red Travertine

Cross Red Travertine

تایل تراورتن قرمز بی موج تایل تراورتن قرمز بی موج تایل تراورتن قرمز بی موج تایل تراورتن قرمز بی موج

Red Travertine

Attractive stone with especial color, full of environment energy

Red travertine is one of the most famous travertine stones existing in Iran mines. This stone has the most specific color of travertine in the world whose red spectrum is so eye-catching. This stone is cut and processed in two veined and cross types and each of them gives especial view to interior and exterior spaces of buildings.

Red travertine is used in interior and exterior spaces. But consider that this stone has to be specifically processed for different places and different uses. That is this stone is used everywhere considering specific processing to that place.

This stone is found in tile and slab dimensions. Regarding quality degree its slab can be from 120x120cm to 250x180cm. Moreover, considering red travertine use it is possible to find its longitudinal or rectangular tiles in 1×1 and 1×2 ratios. For example 16×16 is the most popular tile of this stone.


Water Absorption




Special Weight


Pushing Resistance

Red Travertine Slab

Red travertine slab is one of the especial selling and processing forms of this stone which is produced by more advanced technology. This stone usually decorates especial facades with bigger dimensions and releases the sense of a warm natural color in the space.

رندر تراورتن قرمز


Click here to see other travertine stones in the Galaxy Stones collection

  • Vein Cut
  • Cross Cut
Red Travertine

Veined Red Travertine Tile

There are also yellow and white veins in the veined tile of this stone which nature painter has spent all his style in coloring it. This type of travertine is very usual found more in markets. This stone is usually processed in polished form as well as filling its pores with resin mastic.

رندر تراورتن قرمز موجدار

Cross Red Travetine Tile

Red color shows off more in this type of tile in red travertine stones and it seems darker. This stone is processed like other travertine stones. This stone is usually used in facades also it is used in building floors with more thickness.

تایل تراورتن قرمز بی موج